Monday, August 25, 2008

haiku fun!

now that we are all into a writing mode, here's a fun contest to enter. you only have until 8pm central today, but it's worth checking out.

shannon over at rocks in my dryer is hosting a contest with a giveaway for the best haiku (and she includes instructions if it's been a few or 18 years since you've written a haiku). the theme is school and it was a lot of fun. give it a shot and then leave me a comment that you entered (you can include your haiku in your comment). if you missed the deadline, write a haiku anyway!

to get you started, here's mine:

he starts school today
though not for the first time but
still, it tugs my heart.

my sweet boy, have fun!
open your mind! learn! and grow!
miss him like crazy.

today was a bit of a "heart tug" day as lukie started back to "school" (aka mother's day out) this morning. this semester, he's going twice a week, which is a bit rough for this mama. but, it's best for our family for now.

have a great week if you're doing the real deal!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing the right thing. If it helps Michael, it helps you! :) Love ya!
